Bill H.R.5718 “Central Wasatch National Conservation and Recreation Area Act (NCRA)” is legislation that is critical to watershed health and resiliency. Support and movement of this bill is imperative, for it will safeguard watershed areas as well as public land in the Central Wasatch from future development and further fragmentation.
The Central Wasatch is a beautiful natural area that offers many values worth protecting— ecological, natural, scenic, cultural, historical, geological, and wildlife— Bill H.R.5718 lays out. Besides those values local watersheds provide over 60% of the water supply to the Salt Lake Valley. In a conservative estimation 30% of the Central Wasatch has been developed. If in further development the water that watersheds generate become contaminated local water treatment plants may not be able to process and supply water. The NCRA would establish a Watershed Protection Area which would ensure that watersheds are being properly managed and can continue producing pristine water.
Protecting public land keeps landscapes intact providing public with clean water, recreational opportunities, and accommodate population growth. With your support, collaboration with our elected officials and environmental organizations we can make the NCRA a reality, ensuring Utah has a clean and prosperous future.