Board Member

A lover of right footed turns, loam dirt, and tailwinds, Eliza has been working on environmental issues for the last decade in a career that spans policy, fundraising, and community engagement. She grew up in the small climbing town of Rumney, NH and attended St. Lawrence University where she received a B.A. in Global Studies and African Studies while competing on SLU’s Division I ski team. Both spots were surrounded by amazing public land that built her love and commitment for preserving these areas for future generations. 

Eliza first visited Utah as a freshman in college when the University of Utah hosted the NCAA finals in Park City. After spending the next week playing across Utah’s public lands from snow covered mountains to red dirt trails and rivers in between, it didn’t take too long for Eliza to decide to settle down here. Her career had other plans but she kept Utah in the back of her mind as she worked on rural economic, resort community, and climate impact work on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC as a congressional staffer. Since 2019, she has focused her efforts on issues that impact the west and has worked for national and state focused nonprofits, most recently for o2 Utah. Her focus areas include air quality, renewable energy, public land, transportation, and water issues and she specializes in both government relations and connecting impact-driven donors to high-impact nonprofits. 

When she’s not solving policy problem sets, Eliza spends her time exploring the Wasatch by skis, bikes, chacos and running shoes. She lives in Sugarhouse with a rotating set of friends and her sweet kitten, Puck.