Save Our Canyons partnered with the US Forest Service and Salt Lake City to undertake the Central Wasatch Visitor Study (CWVS). It involved hundreds of volunteers and lasted for a full year, in order to account for the strong seasonal variations in recreational styles. The work was overseen by Professor Steven W. Burr and Master's student Chase Lamborn from the Institute of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism at Utah State University with two volunteer coordinators hired through the Americorps Utah Conservation Corps program.

pdfCWVS Introduction (Spring 2014)

pdfCWVS Second Quarterly Report (December 2014)

pdfCWVS Midterm E Survey (February 2015)

pdfCWVS Third Quarterly Report (April 2015)

pdfCWVS E-Survey (July 2015)

Below are just a few of the findings from the CWVS thus far:

  • When asked “why they visit public lands” CWVS respondents ranked “observe scenic beauty,” “enjoy the sights and smells of nature,” “experience peace and tranquility,” and “improve physical health” as the most important motivating factors for recreating in the Central Wasatch.
  • When asking respondents of the CWVS if they are recreating in a protected watershed, 72% correctly answered YES.
  • When asked “do you know if this National Forest has Congressionally designated Wilderness Areas” 63% of respondents said YES
  • Hiking, primitive camping (backpacking in unroaded areas) and backcountry skiing are the top 3, of many, activities respondents report participating in on the Wasatch Wilderness.
  • A high number of respondents supported increased opportunities for public transportation to access recreation sites and a great majority support expansion of Park and Ride transportation system to have more pick ups outside the canyons.
  • Over 60% of respondents reported getting at least 80% of their exercise from outdoor year round recreation. With the number one response as to why being “outdoor recreation helped them feel more patient with themselves and others.”

These findings clearly demonstrate that users of the Central Wasatch Mountains value access, protections and the diverse opportunities afforded on these public lands. Having Wilderness-designated lands and a protected watershed is important to them, their families and their quality of life. The majority of respondents to the “E-Survey” component of the CWVS strongly agreed with the statement “access to recreational opportunities is an important reason why I live here.” Agreeing strongly, as well to “I would think more often about moving if there were fewer outdoor recreation opportunities nearby.” Outdoor activities such as hiking, resort skiing/snowboarding, trail running, backcountry skiing, mountain biking and rock climbing provide valuable opportunities for healthy exercise. Preserving this unique landscape for all the numerous activities that make up this dynamic community along the Wasatch Range is vital.

The information collected will be used to guide decision makers, illuminating, for example, the deliberations of the Mountain Accord process.

Published in Resources
October 31, 2018

Land Use Planning

Save Our Canyons is dedicated to protecting the wildness and beauty of the Wasatch Mountains, canyons, and foothills — we do this in a variety of ways, one of which is land use planning. The Wasatch Range is comprised of a patchwork of land ownership and management.

Engaging Federal, State, Cities, and Counties

To address this reality, we engage on the federal, state, city, and county levels to provide up-to-date community perspectives and support for an approach that maintains or improves the environmental health and conservation outcomes of the Wasatch Range. A recent example of collaborative land use planning would be the Mountain Accord.

The Mountain Accord was established in 2014 to make critical decisions and implement solutions to preserve the Central Wasatch and ensure its long term vitality. The Central Wasatch mountains are one of Utah’s most pristine and valuable natural resources. In the face of a rapidly growing population, those values could be at risk unless action is taken now.

This unprecedented collaboration of diverse groups seeks to create a blueprint for the future of the Central Wasatch. This blueprint’s goal is to meet Mountain Accord’s purposes, which include responsible stewardship of natural resources, preservation of quality recreation experiences, establishing an environmentally sustainable transportation system, and contributing to a vibrant economy.

Published in Issues